Tag Archives: Deb Perelman

Smitten Kitchen


Why I’m Smitten with this Kitchen

I know what you’re thinking…another food site? True. But when they’re good, they’re good. Which happens to be the perfect introduction to the Smitten Kitchen. The Smitten Kitchen 

Once upon a time in the About section of Smitten Kitchen Deb Perelman discussed with insightful wit her decided cooking endeavors in her small Brooklyn apartment (if I recall correctly). The results of said endeavors being chronicled in her blog…not only via recipe and commentary, but also via magnificent photos taken by her husband Alex (camera make & model use included). Boy have times changed. Don’t get me wrong. This site still offers delicious dishes (which I have cooked on many of an occasion), beautiful photography, and Ms. Perelman’s wit. Furthermore, it offers helpful measuring conversions for you non-Americans (or Americans). It also provides a way to browse by food Topics (which is to the left of the site under Resources). Granted, Smitten Kitchen does not have the organizational prowess of 101 Cookbooks, but it can work nonetheless. Now getting back to that “Boy have times changed” comment. Given Smitten Kitchen’s meteoric rise in popularity it has lost a bit of its relatable appeal to Ms. Perelman as noticed in the About section, and the site has added more advertising, but not nearly as much as other sites.  Regardless, change is good…I’m just waxing nostalgic about seeming inconsequentials. Please be aware these changes never made me once contemplate taking Smitten Kitchen out of my repertoire of great cooking sites. It is in a nutshell, delicious.

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