Tag Archives: kellie collis

Ada and Darcy

Romance is not Only in the Movies


Ada & Darcy blog header

Ada & Darcy blog header

I’m not sure but maybe I am searching for an ethereal quality to my life and added romance. Not in a traditional sense from a mate (spouse/companion for you Aussies), but from life itself. Well, God hearing my cry, I am sure , brought me to Ada & Darcy. Ada & Darcy a site devoted to “fabulous interiors, styling & all things lovely,” as described by the blogess Kellie Collis of Australia.

Ada & Darcy blog image

Ada & Darcy blog image

But I think her description is too simplistic…true, but simplistic. Ms. Collis’ site is much more than that. The only description I have for it is…ethereal and romantic. The inspirational interiors (of which this site provides the most of), events and clothing all encompass that underlying theme. I do not know if this was conscious on Ms. Collis’ part…but it is lovely. The site’s pictures whisk you away to the life and times of a Henry James novel set in 2009 ironically. Because of the sites romantic undercurrent it is calming and dreamy. I also really enjoy Ms. Collis’ post commentary because it is quick, simple, light and kind. To be inspired in a calm , kind and lovely way is rare at times now days. Therefore, I suggest you visit Ada & Darcy often.


Filed under Fashion, Interior design, Styling